We supply to Importer (Business to Business B2B) only

Our company supply and export live aquarium fish to importer company or importer have import permit or import license only.
So before order please check import government regulations each country. because each country need documents and process difference.

- Minimum order quantity at least 6 box .(average weight 18 Kg/box)
- Minimum order each kind of fish : 1/8 (pack 8 bag in one box)

(but we suggest order 6 boxes up because almost cheap freight cost for transportation live tropical fish from the airline will start from 100 Kg)
See estimate freight cost follow this link

Minimum order for total shipment.

this condition depending on the request from the airline.

1.1 Normally request total weight of shipment must over +100 Kg (minimum weight request from the airline)
for +100 Kg = average total fish 6-7 boxes (depending on kind of fish ,size of fish and type of packing)

1.2 Extra request , the airline request minimum weight +600 Kg up per shipment
that request for loading full space of normal air container.

1.3 available loading of normal air container . (Unit Load Devices (ULD),)
- for box size 60 x 45 x 32 cm (no paper box) available loading maximum 40 boxes
- for box size 60 x 45 x 32 cm (paper box) available loading maximum 35 boxes
- for box size 70 x 50 x38 cm (paper box) available loading maximum 25 boxes

Minimum order each kind of fish

2.1 normally our company packing 4 bag/box. that customer can order difference 4 kind of fish for pack in one box. (4/4)

- Pack 4 bag in one box ( 4/4) , for small size of fish
- pack 2 bag in one box ( 2/2) , for big size of fish
- pack 1 bag in one box ( 1/1) , for big size of fish

2.2 If customer want to order less quantity , our company can order 1/8 that mean customer can order difference 8 kind of fish for pack in one box. (8/8) (if order less than 1/8 , our company not accept)

2.3 some kind of fish , customer can order specific quantity ,(this fish must packing individual (one by one) for example
- Betta fish grade A
- Flowerhorn cichlid grade A
- Discus fish big size 3”-5”
- Silver arowana , Tiger fish

if you need price list , please fill submit form >>> : price list request form

Terms & Conditions
Price : FOB / Bangkok in US dollars 
Payment :
100% Advance payment by T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 

All of the prices quote here is F.O.B from Bangkok , Thailand  Prices of every product can be changed any time without notice and will be advised in our next offer or new price list or our stock list.

Box size and packing type and average weight per box


Normally our company packing in styrofoam box with liner card board box

Normal box size Big box size
60 cm X 45 cm X 32 cm 52 cm X 73 cm X 38 cm
pack 4 bag in one box pack 6 bag in one box

pack 4 bag in one box average weight  16-22 Kg/Box (depend on size of fish and king of fish)

Individual packing average weight  25-30 Kg/Box (depend on size of fish)

  • all cicihlids fish size 2"-4"
  • discus fish all size 2"-4"
  • Mono
  • Archer
  • Betta fish
  • Scat red / Green
  • Flowerhorn cichlid


Order process

1. your send order details to me (our code and quantity of fish each kind of your order)
2. we check available of you order details and after we will confirm your by Performa invoice. (within 24 hours after receive your order details)
3. if you accept, you confirm me and transfer money to our company account.
4. after our bank confirm receive your money, we will arrange shipment to you with 3-5 days.
- start prepare fish and quarantine fish before shipment at least 2-3 days.
- booking space to the airline for available space and date of shipment.
- prepare Health Certificate for your shipment (need 1-2 working day)

Variety of ornamental fish you wish to place an order by specifying Code ID of the fish from our product list or from our stock list, and the required size
-The required quantity (Minimum order quantity at least 6 boxes up.)
- Specify the designated port you wish to have the product delivered
- Specified the period for delivery
- E-Mail to  
sale@grandaquatic.com   , g.aquatic@gmail.com

When you have placed order for the fishes, we will send a Performa invoice with a summary of your order and the total amount due.

Freight Charge

Freight charge are based on the actual charge from the airline and freight forwarder which we shall not consider this charge as our profit.

Check estimate freight cost http://grandaquatic.com/estimate-freight.asp

Packing & Services
All specimens are packed in pressurized oxygenated double plastics bags of 10 per box. 
The bags are packed in polystyrolfoam boxes dim. 65x35x40 cm and each box costs 8 USD.
You can order for one box 4 kinds of tropical fish.
You can see qty of fish for one bag in stock list or Price list.
All bags have labels with code and qty of the fishes conformable with invoice.

Water quality : 
      pH = 7.5 
     dGH = 15 - 18
     dKH = 6 - 7

Packing Charge 
:: 8 USD / box 
:: Heat pack charge 1.5 USD / box (if any)
- Shipping & Handling fee : 95 USD per shipment.
- Health Certificate fee : 25 USD ( if need)

Guarantee &  DOA Policy
All fish are well quarantined in our tanks for four days. and if there any D.O.A., it has to be informed to us within 24 hours from the date and time of receipt of the shipment. we will replace dead fish on the next order (not cover cost of shipping, packing charges) or will be a credit by money.

Any mortality happened if flight delayed because of engine trouble or misconnection flight with approval and receipt sign by one of the cargo officer as witness  from the airline involved or other causes beyond our power, the lost must be shared between shipper and consignee of each a half (50%).

Important Document Providing

Normally we will provide these important documents with the shipment:
    - Invoice,
    - Packing List,
    - Airway bill,
    - Health Certificate (issued by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand) for Fish
    - Phytosanitary Certificate (issued by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand) for Plants
   - and/or CITES Certificate (issued by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand)

However in some countries may need more documents such as Certificate of origin or special declaration. Please inform us in advance.

Some countries, importers must have Import Permit Certificate first before you confirm the order.

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Copyright 2006 - 2024  by www.grandaquatic.com  Alright Reserve 

Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd.

109/61 Soi. Phrayasuren 35, Bangchan, Khlongsamwa, Bangkok, Thailand. 10510.
email  :   sale@grandaquatic.com , g.aquatic@gmail.com , grandaquatic@gmail.com

Mobile / SMS/Whatapp +6681  9317413  , Office  Tel / Fax +662 9144491   Lind Id : grandaquatic

Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/grandaquatic/    follow Instagram : grandaquatic_thailand

if you want to visit our company , (Please make an appointment in advance. )

Please call 081- 9317413 , 081-8098849

Google Map >>> : https://goo.gl/dy9YUu