Aquatic Plants | Water Plants | Aquarium Plants | Freshwater Plants | Lucky Bamboo Plants

  ::   Aglonema
  ::   Alternanthera
  ::   Ammannia
  ::   Anubias
  ::   Aponogeton
  ::   Bacopa
  ::   Barclaya
  ::   Boneo
  ::   Cabomba
  ::   Ceratophyllum
  ::   Chlorophytum
  ::   Codyline
  ::   Crinum
  ::   Dracenae
  ::   Driftwood
  ::   Echinodorus
  ::   Eleocharlis
  ::   Elodea
  ::   Glossotigma
  ::   Gratiola
  ::   Hemigraphis
  ::   Hydrocotyle
  ::   Hygrophila
  ::   Lilaeopsis
  ::   Limnophila
  ::   Lindernia
  ::   Lobelia
  ::   Lucky Bamboo
  ::   Ludwigia
  ::   Lysimachia
  ::   Micranthemum
  ::   Microsorium
  ::   Nomaphila
  ::   Nymphaea
  ::   Ophiopogon
  ::   Pandanus
  ::   Rotala
  ::   Sagittaria
  ::   Saururus
  ::   Spatiphyllum
  ::   Syngonium
  ::   Vallisneria
Product of : Ceratophyllum
Products ID picture Product Description More Detail Select All
819B " Ceratophyllum demersum "
Type : Bundle
Packing : 500 Pcs. / box
Price : Contact for update price list
819L " Ceratophyllum demersum "
Type : Loose
Packing : 1200-1500 Pcs. / box
Price : Contact for update price list
819P " Ceratophyllum demersum "
Type : Pot
Packing : 120-150 Pcs. / box
Price : Contact for update price list

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Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd.

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